Palm Beach Harbor Pilots Association


General Information
Large Vessel Restrictions
Shoaling Notices
Pilotage Rates
Contact Us

Palm Beach Harbor Pilots
200 E. 13th St. Suite B
Riviera Beach, FL 33404

Voice: 1-561-845-2628

"Best of Riviera Beach" 2020 Award Winners

In addition to ensuring the safe navigation of vessels in the Port of Palm Beach, harbor pilots know the intricate details and local conditions of the waterways and channels that surround our port and are called upon by port authorities to assist with the planning of new seaport development and new ship operations.

This year, the Palm Beach Harbor Pilots Association was awarded the "Best of Riviera Beach" award for being loyal tenants of the Riviera Beach Marina since 1985. We have helped with navigational advice and boating assistance to marina guests. We provide security awareness with 24 hour on-call pilots, help promote marina events and support local tenants.


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